Peter Berrisford's Year 13 Media Blog

Peter Berrisford's Year 13 Media Blog

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I could not have completed my music video and my blog without using new technologies. Below are blog

You Tube
I used You Tube to research many different existing videos which allowed me to search and view existing music videos, also it enables me to look at different videos with information on pop up videos, dancing in the distraction factory and also mirror ball.

Watching documentries on different directers such as Spike Jonze and Micheal Gondry, where they explain thier ideas and how they directed the music videos, one of the songs is Everlong, by the Foo Fighters, We learnt how the video was choreographed and directed.

Microsoft Excell
We used this to produce our graphs, it was fairly easy to use, all that was required was the question numbers, and the feedback votes.

I used wikipiedia to research information on pop up videos, existing songs, our song information, music genre information. There was one setback with using it, although there was plenty of information, it was user edited, which meant that the information was placed up the viewers and users, meaning there is also fake information.

Internet Search Engines
We used internet search engines to find the majority of out information. We used mainly google and occasionally yahoo.

In my Planning I used the following technologies:

Online Blog - I used this blog which you are viewing to upload most of the posts of ideas and designs. This has been fairly easy to use, although managing photos has been a small issue, which I was able to overcome simply by changing the settings.

Internet Search Engine - I used Google to search for our songs lyric's which we found suprisingly quickly.

In the construction of our product I used the following technologies:

High Definition Camcorder
For filming the footage we used the Sony HDR-SR10E, a high definition camcorder, this had a number of advantages which aided us to get our footage quickly and easily in the correct quality. As it is a harddrive based camcorder, we did not need to use disks or special wires to place our footage on a computer to edit.

We used an Apple Mac computer to contruct our footage into our final product, with its high tech speciafications, we found using it easy, very fast and reliable, loading our footage and converting it into the correct format took half has long as we thought. As the Mac is known for having some of the best software known, we had all the recources for making a good music video.

Final Cut Studio
This is a well known movie making software made specially for the iMac, some of the features and effects were like we had never seen. After carrying out some research on this product, we found out that it was used by several different media firms for putting together thier TV series, such as the american action series: Leverage.

PhotoShop and Fireworks
I used Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks to crop, edit, and create our album covers they both had different features, which is the reason I used both of them and not just one editing software. For example, I used Photoshop for cropping the photos and seperating the layers, which i then copied into fireworks to colour and put the croppings in together to form one image.

I used the following technologies to evaluate my product:

You Tube
I used You Tube to upload the finished music video, by doing this peers and other users could easily view the product without having to watch it from a disc or the computer it was produced on. Also this meant that people could comment on our product and give us opinions on how we could improve it.

We used the social interaction website where both my partner and myself were registered upon, we placed a link and tagged ourselves in the music video so our friends on facebook could view it through facebook. I also used Facebook to contact Lily Allen.

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